Breakfast Television: Lunar New Year

Breakfast Television: Lunar New Year

We were so excited to be back on Breakfast Television talking about Lunar New Year traditions, food and gifting ideas! It's always a delight to be able to share some of the traditions that I've grown up with, especially with the BT family. Photo Credit: August Media...

Cityline: Lunar New Year

We were thrilled to join Cityline again for a special segment on Lunar New Year ideas, traditions and customs. We showcased fun gifting and food ideas from my Chinese background, including some fun drinks for the audience. It was so much fun! Thanks to August Media...

Miller High Life Backyard Wedding Contest

Miller High Life Backyard Wedding Contest

Have you had to postpone or cancel your 2020 wedding because of COVID-19? I am partnering with Miller High Life, the Champagne of Beers, to offer three lucky couples a chance to win up to $10,000 towards their dream backyard wedding! Along with this amazing prize, I...


Every great wedding or event starts with an inspiration. What is yours?

Rebecca brings you her ideas and insights to help you in your event or wedding planning journey. The best part is that it is all at your fingertips here on her personal blog. Enjoy!

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