Black Friday Wedding Deals

Nov 27, 2015 | Blog, Shopping

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday sweeping over Canada the last few years, I thought I would share with you a few sales from my favourite retailers that are going on this weekend for any bride-to-be’s getting married in 2016. See below for Black Friday wedding deals and stay tuned on Monday for Cyber Monday deals!

Black Friday deal from BHLDN

For anyone in love with BHLDN (like me!), consider getting your accessory, dress or decor item with their Black Friday extra 15% off code. Use the code “WEDDINGBELLS” to receive your additional 15% off sale items! See what’s new to sale.

Flynn Capelet Titania Chandeliers Floral Maxi

Black Friday deal from Wedding Paper Divas

We love that Wedding Paper Divas has matching websites to their invitations. Have you seen them? For Black Friday, save 25% off sitewide plus plus Free Standard or USPS Shipping using the code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout

Wedding Paper Divas - Holiday 2015

Black Friday deal from Big Love Ball

For anyone thinking of including something big and fun (literally) at their wedding, look no further than the Big Love Ball! Use it as an alternative guestbook and just as a photo opp. The options are endless!



Every great wedding or event starts with an inspiration. What is yours?

Rebecca brings you her ideas and insights to help you in your event or wedding planning journey. The best part is that it is all at your fingertips here on her personal blog. Enjoy!

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