Easy holiday recipes

Nov 27, 2014 | Blog, DIY

Over the holidays, I love trying out new recipes to treat my family and friends to. If I can make them, anyone can! They also taste and look great. What more can you ask for really. If you aren’t normally a baker, these are some very easy holiday recipes to try out!

Red Velvet Trifle
After my first and last attempt at cake pops, I had some leftover cake still. I was about to throw it out until a friend mentioned I could make something out of it. So I did some searching online for a recipe and found this! I made a tasty trifle out of it and brought it to my family gathering. It was messy but darn good! I guess I can’t really claim to have ‘made’ it, but I did assemble it! I used the recipe below as a starting point. I ended up using packaged vanilla pudding mixture and CoolWhip, and the cake was excess wedding cake from my friend Jenn from Sweet Escapes. All borrowed or premade.. but hey, it was still a hit!
Find the recipe here.

Caramel Cashew Popcorn
I’m heading to my friend’s place in a couple days for a games night so I was thinking of what I could bring. I don’t even know how I stumbled across this recipe but I am so happy I did. It is a really easy caramel corn recipe that I added cashews to an added yummy factor. I have a popcorn maker and kernels at home so it was pretty simple to prep. I melted the caramel candies just as I did with the chocolate over a pot of boiling water. I made more than enough too, so I will have a snack to eat at home or at work. Let me tell you – it is SO DELICIOUS! I will definitely make this easy holiday recipe again. Note: Do not overcoat the popcorn. The popcorn will stay crunchy with 1/2 to 2/3 of it covered with caramel. Once it has too much caramel, it will be too chewy.
Find the recipe here.

Peppermint Bark
This is a holiday classic and is pretty easy to make. After my not-so-satisfactory attempts at cake pops, I ended up with bags of chocolate that I had nothing to do with. So I made some of this! I like how pretty it looks, and it is tasty. This would be great for a winter wedding favour, packaged with some nice ribbon and cellophane.
Find the recipe here.

Happy baking! It’s not only fun but it feels good for the soul to know you put a lot of love into it. If you liked what the easy holiday recipes featured here, check out my new shop too for awesome gift ideas!



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