Engagement photos with paint

Sep 5, 2013 | Blog, Engagement, Planning

In August, I had the pleasure of coordinating Khang and Selynn’s wedding. They were such a sweet couple and their wedding was a lot of fun to be a part of. I especially loved their engagement photos with paint and spunk, taken by photographer Henry Park, so I wanted to share a few of their shots with my readers today. When planning for your engagement photos, it’s great to have an activity or themed props like this shoot with paint to give some interest. Enjoy!

Engagement shoot with paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement photos with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement photos with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement photos with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement shoot with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement shoot with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement shoot with a splash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

Engagement photos with a plash of paint. rebeccachan.ca

I can’t wait to see the photos from their wedding day! I’m sure they will be just as fun as these engagement photos. Congrats Khang and Selynn!

Photo credit: Henry Park


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