Fun holiday party ideas

Dec 5, 2011 | Blog

I just got back from the beautiful Mayan Riviera, Mexico, and I have to shift modes from vacation to holidays (sigh). At least it’s not snowing yet! It’s only the first week of December and I have my first holiday party this coming Friday for my significant other’s company shindig. It’s being held at The Warehouse, the new event space at Downsview Park. It looks like a neat space, really keeping up with the trend of raw and modern event spaces popping up in the city. I’ll definitely post up photos from this year’s holiday’s parties, so stay tuned!

In case you are still looking for ideas for your upcoming party, here are some fun ones to get you started:

Ugly Sweater Party:
I love dress up parties! Show off some of the wonderful clothes you got from your Aunt Betty or Grandpa Joe. Now that vintage is so trendy though, maybe you already have an Aunt Betty sweater in your wardrobe… Anyway, make sure to give a prize out for the worst sweater (voted in by guests) and don’t forget your cameras!

Re-gift Exchange:
If your party happens later in the holiday season, consider re-wrapping a gift you didn’t want in a post-holiday gift swap (a yankee gift swap works well for this). I always find something better to bring home at a re-gift exchange than what I brought!

Host an ethnic themed dinner party for charity:
If you have an international or ethic-oriented charity in mind, host a party focusing in on the culture that surrounds it. Explore exotic flavours that you normally wouldn’t try, provide some traditional accessories to accent your clothing and, most importantly, encourage guests to give a donation in honour of the evening.

Thinking of all these ideas really gets me into the holiday spirit. Speaking of Christmas, I’m going to attempt to bake something fun for gifts this year too… More on this later (if it turns out well!). Cheers!


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