Unique Chinese wedding elements, pt. 1

Oct 19, 2011 | Blog, Details, Planning

I cannot count on my hands and feet how many Chinese weddings I have attended or planned. There have just been too many. I love my Chinese friends and clients, and I especially love my own heritage, but sometimes I wonder how much of a Chinese wedding is done out of tradition and how much is done because everyone else has done it and it seems like the right thing to do. Actually, that can be said of all weddings… Anyway, this series of posts will be about some of the more unique and fun elements that I have encountered at Chinese weddings. Enjoy!

This past summer I attended a wedding of a good friend of mine from high school. In fact, we actually went to daycare together, only to be reunited in high school (and the rest is history!). I had to turn down a couple whose wedding was the same day because this was one of those weddings I just had to attend. Some of you might remember the post I put up a while back about this really fanciful engagement party I attended. Well, this is the couple! And it was an equally enjoyable wedding. I should add that I am glad I was a guest, and not a guest plus coordinator because we all know my rant about that 😉

The outdoor ceremony was at Eaton Hall and the reception at West River. Tiffany and Chris had elements that you would find in most Chinese weddings including a change into an elegant Chinese dress and a traditional tea ceremony. But the one thing that was most memorable was how the reception started out. The bridal party entered as usual with a fun introduction and then suddenly the parents and relatives busted out their dance moves to “Kung Fu Fighting”, completed by head to toe Chinese outfits. It was a hit with everyone in the room and what a fun way to kick off the evening! I was so impressed that the parents came together for a dance routine like this (great choreography Vivian!). It was definitely a unique way to add some Chinese charm to a wedding. Congrats Tiff and Chris!


Every great wedding or event starts with an inspiration. What is yours?

Rebecca brings you her ideas and insights to help you in your event or wedding planning journey. The best part is that it is all at your fingertips here on her personal blog. Enjoy!

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